
Happy Holiday Season! Use Your Personality Strengths this Season

The holiday season is here. More than any other season, this is a time for connecting with family, friends, coworkers and colleagues. The feeling of social support and holiday cheer can give you the energy and inspiration you need to pursue your health and life goals. The holidays can also be draining however. Pace yourself, especially if you ha....

Use Your Strengths to Stick with Healthy Habits

The greatest health challenge many of us face is our own emotions and underlying self-limiting beliefs. Feeling sad, anxious, lonely, unloved, or stressed, and other similar emotions are the real cause of chronic disease. These emotions are the cause of the cause of the cause of ill health–the root cause of disease.

Let’s loo....

Finalist Blog for Medicine 2.0

Finalist Blog for Medicine 2.0

I am happy to announce that HealthTypewas a finalist in the Medicine 2.o blog competition September 15 and 16 at Harvard Medical School in Boston. Also, a number of companies and individuals expressed enthusiasm for our work.  There is much exciting potential for collaboration! ....

Welcome to HealthTypeLLC

Part 2 of 2

One piece of the well-being puzzle that has received little attention—and that will be a central theme of this blog—is how we can use our personality strengths to move closer to our happiness and health goals.

Carl Jung posited that humans use eight thought processes or “cognitive functions” to ga....

Welcome to HealthTypeLLC

Part 1 of 2

Welcome to this inaugural blog by HealthTypeLLC! My lifelong passion for learning about why people do what they do led me to study not only standard health behavior theory, but also to go down the road less traveled. I aim to make a unique difference in your life by presenting you with a new approa....

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