Personality Highlights–How Can INFP Achieve Happiness and Health?

You get energized by doing what you believe is important and is consistent with your deeply held values. You can achieve healthy habits by pursuing your own ideal health goals that you see as benefiting yourself, as well as others.

Find the motivation and drive to make habit change by thinking about what is important to you personally. Prepare for the change by paying attention to how see your future by making the change. What are the possibilities? Look at the possible consequences of making the change. How will each part of your life will be affected (work, friends, etc.). Look for patterns that are in favor making the change.

Develop an action plan that offers alternatives for pursuing healthy habits. Make sure you have the variety, flexibility and freedom you need to achieve and maintain the new habit. Choose activities you see as interesting, fun and challenging and that help reduce stress. Include outdoor activities. Focus on the sense of freedom you get during outdoor activities—walking and hiking. Find a way to complete your plan, while also achieving other important goals. For example prepare healthy meals as a family to reinforce your family values.

If you encounter setbacks, go to a comfortable, calming setting, recharge and reflect on what happened. Look for patterns and consider ways to get around the challenges. Reflect how you can use your deeply held values and what gives you meaning to get you on track. Be gentle with yourself. Find someone with whom you have harmony and rapport for support. When revising your plan, make sure to choose a plan you are confident you can do! And build enough flexibility and opportunity for spontaneity.

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