HealthTypeLLC has developed a new model for health and wellness. It guides you to a happy and healthy life using your personality strengths. Harness your unique assets to achieve your health and happiness goals!
We offer consulting services to enhance health and wellness programs. The first app to use this model to focus on happiness will soon be available! Public workshops, health coach trainings and practical “how-to” presentations can be designed to meet your needs. Learn more about us and our projects. Explore ways to enhance your program by contacting us.
What’s unique about HealthType LLC?
For example:
- Some people enjoy fun e-games and competitions as a way to do healthy activities. Others prefer to get done what needs to be done before they can relax and have fun.
- Some people prefer a regular schedule and knowing what comes next. Others prefer to be spontaneous and do activities when the mood strikes.
HealthTypeLLC offers a breakthrough method of personalizing habit change advice based on personality strengths. Your personality determines key aspects of habit change–your preferred way of getting motivated, learning, making decisions and interacting with the world.
This HealthType LLC model applies the eight cognitive processes identified by the psychologist Carl Jung. Each personality type uses all eight processes, but two of these thought processes feel more naturally and are your personality strengths!
Exciting research suggests a physiologic basis. Brain activity is greater on electro-encephalogram in brain regions that manage the processes corresponding to the person’s personality. Learn more with these resources.
We are looking for partners to apply and study the impact of the HealthType LLC program on health outcomes in a variety of settings and digital programs. Discover ways to collaborate with us at engage with us.
A New Focus for HealthTypeLLC!
HealthTypeLLC blog has been on a hiatus over the past couple of years. We continued to be active on FB and Twitter and appreciate the many new followers over recent months. We are gearing up to come back in full swing with a brand new website and web-based app focused on happiness at later this fall. The myhappyavatar site will also offer a new blog series on how to use the new app, success stories from users, and articles by guest experts in the field of positive psychology.
This blog will continue to focus on developments of the application of the HealthTypeLLC model and tips about how you can boost your happiness and health by keeping your personality preferences and brain strengths in mind! We’ll also include special guidance and advice for coaches, trainers and providers.
Please stay tuned!
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