Personality Highlights–How Can ENTP Achieve Happiness and Health?

You get energized brainstorming solutions to the challenges you face. You can achieve healthy habits by pursuing exciting new challenges.

Consider several creative and adventurous ways of making the habit change. What are the smartest ideas for achieving the goal? How you can achieve the goal, while exploring the world around you. List the possible consequences of making a change and how the change will affect your life. Look at the patterns and connections in your life between your plan and other important goals.

Understand how the change will lead to other goals you want to achieve. Commit to the change based on the logic you see behind it. You can reinforce the habit with new and varied experiences of interacting with the world. This interaction fuels energy for sustaining the habit.

When you begin the activities of your plan, keep the schedule open and the activities flexible. Write more than one option to achieve a goal. Compete against your own record or enter formal competitions to stay engaged.

One way to stay active is to do outdoor activities that allow you to explore new vistas and keep things interesting. Involve others in preparing healthy meals. Interacting with others can increase energy and motivation and they can keep you accountable to your action plan. Have a list of healthy recipes and ingredients available to choose from when it is time to fix the meal.

If you encounter setbacks, brainstorm with others for smart ideas to get you going. Talk over the challenges with someone who can support you. When you face set backs, reflect on your understanding of what happened and look for a variety of solutions.  Make sure you have a deep understanding about how what you are doing fits with what you want for yourself and how it makes sense for you.

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