
Turn Your Smartphone into Your Happy, Healthy Avatar!

The book How Happy is Your Avatar? shows you how to use your smartphone to boost your mood and health. Get answers to the following and more!

  • How do you personalize health and happiness habits?
  • How do you avoid a brain drain from your interactions with the phone?
  • How do you navigate the tens of thousands of health apps?
  • How do you use the phone to work with and follow recommendations from your doctor?

The smartphone has awesome potential to engage us. Look around in any line, waiting room or other opportunity to squeeze in a minute to check the phone! You likely are among the increasing group of individuals who are addicted to their phones. This addiction has a physiologic basis with both upsides and downsides.

How Happy is Your Avatar? explores both the bright side and the dark side of our smartphone era. Learn how to manage your use of the phone for happiness and health. The book also gives you a peek at how to take advantage of your personality strengths when using the phone to feel better physically and emotionally.

Explore what you need in order for you to easily make a habit change and how the smartphone can help you at each step of the way. The steps include the motivation to make the change, the knowledge about what to do and how to do it, the ability to actually do it, and triggers and supports in your environment to continue to do it. With these steps you can build habits that create a happier you—and a happier avatar!


The Book is Now Available!

We are excited to announce that the ebook My Happy Avatar is now available on Amazon and many other major distributors. Get practical ideas about how to make the most of the device that is your constant companion–to become happier and healthier! Follow @HealthType for more tips and ideas that build on what you will learn in this book.

Where to purchase:

iBookstore, AmazonKindle, Nook, ESentral, Gardners Books, Kobo, eBookPie, Baker & Taylor, and Scribd.

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