Welcome to HealthTypeLLC

Part 1 of 2

Welcome to this inaugural blog by HealthTypeLLC! My lifelong passion for learning about why people do what they do led me to study not only standard health behavior theory, but also to go down the road less traveled. I aim to make a unique difference in your life by presenting you with a new approach to apply.

Health habit change has challenged the experts who are now calling for innovations. We would love to find the secret formula for making habit change easily. Unfortunately a single big bang theory or silver bullet does not likely await our discovery.

The collective work of many is leading to a multi-faceted solution. Public health departments, community health programs, worksite programs, online programs, mobile applications, health insurance plans, city planners, parks and recreation officials, and many others are pressing forward to contribute.
We can all play a part in addressing this challenge of sustainable healthy living. In small ways and big ways, you are already likely doing something for your happiness and health. You offer the solution for your own personal well-being, as well as, at least in part, the well-being the nation.

What are you already doing? Let’s look at the filled part of the glass. That’s the place to start.

I am not referring to trips to the gym or regularly tracking steps walked and calories consumed—although these activities can be helpful. I am talking about the big picture. Have you sat down recently, even for a brief moment or two, to look at your life and family situation, your work situation, and who you are as a person—to see how these contribute to your health and happiness? In this blog, we will examine the many pieces of the well-being puzzle.

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